Linear公司的LT3755和LT3755-1是大电流DC/DC控制器,可作为恒流源用来驱动大电流LED. LT3755和LT3755-1通过内部的7V稳压源来驱动低边N沟功率MOSFET. LT3755和LT3755-1具有3000:1的真彩色PWM调光,输入电压可从4.5V到40V,而输出电压可高达60V,广泛应用在大功率LED驱动,工业和汽车电子领域.本文介绍了LT3755和LT3755-1的主要特性,方框图以及典型应用电路图和50W白光LED头灯驱动电路, 降压模式1.4A LED驱动电路, 20W SEPIC LED驱动电路和汽车电子用降压-升压LED驱动电路.
The LT3755 and LT3755-1 are DC/DC controllers designed to operate as a constant-current source for driving high current LEDs. They drive a low side external N-channel power MOSFET from an internal regulated 7V supply. The fixed frequency, current-mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of supply and output voltages.
A ground referenced voltage FB pin serves as the input for several LED protection features, and also makes it possible for the converter to operate as a constant-voltage source. A frequency adjust pin allows the user to program the frequency from 100kHz to 1MHz to optimize efficiency, performance or external component size...

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