austriamicrosystems公司的AS3693B 是16路高精度LED控制器,内置的PWM发生器用来驱动LCD屏背景光的外接FET.外接时钟和同步输入允许LCD背景光和TV图像同步.输出电压检测高达50V,电流绝对值的精度在±0.5%,内置了5V旁路稳压器.所有的电路参数可通过I2C或SPI接口编程.本文介绍了AS3693B的主要特性和应用示意图.
16 channel high precision LED controller for LCD backlight
The AS3693B is a 16 cannels high precision LED controller with build in PWM generators for driving external FETs in LCD-backlight panels.
External clock and synchronizing inputs allow the synchronization of the LCD backlight with the TV picture. Local dimming and scan dimming is supported by 16 independent PWM generators with programmable delay, period and duty cycle. Three free configurable dynamic power feedback circuits make the device usable for white LED as well as RGB backlights. Build in safety features include thermal shutdown as well as open and short LED detection. All circuit parameters are programmable via I2C or SPI interface.
16 independent LED channels
External FET control and current sensing
Output voltage sense up to 50V
Absolute current accuracy ±0.5%
Output slew rate limited to reduce EMI
Current programmable with external resistor..

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