ST公司的STPMIC1是全集成电源管理集成电路,设计用于需要低功耗和高效率的高度集成的应用处理器.器件集成了由主处理器通过I²C和IO接口控制的先进低功耗特性,支持给应用处理器和外部系统外设如DDR,闪存和其它系统设备供电.升压转换器能多达3个USB端口供电(两个500mA主USB和一个100mA USB OTG).4个降压开关电源(SMPS)在广泛的工作条件下有最佳的瞬态特性和输出精度,效率高达90%,从而实现低功耗模式并从PFM到PWM平滑过度,具有先进的PWM同步技术和集成的PLL,以得到较好的噪音(EMI性能).输入电压从2.8 V 到 5.5 V.它的用户可编程非易失存储器(NVM)支持各种应用.主要用在嵌入微处理器单元电源管理,可穿戴和物联网 (IoT),手持设备,人机接口,智能家庭.本文介绍了STPMIC1主要特性,升压和开关框图,多种应用框图,以及评估板STEVAL-PMIC1K1主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The STPMIC1 is a fully integrated power management IC designed for products based on high integrated application processor designs requiring low power and high efficiency. The device integrates advanced low power features controlled by a host processor via I²C and IO interface.
The STPMIC1 regulators are designed to supply power to the application processor as well as to the external system peripherals such as: DDR, Flash memories and other system devices.
The boost converter can power up to 3 USB ports (two 500 mA host USB and one 100 mA USB OTG). Its advanced bypass architecture allows the smooth regulation of VBUS for USB ports from a battery as well as low-cost consumer 5 V AC-DC adapters.