Infineon公司的CIPOS™ Maxi IM818是集成了各种电源和控制元件的系列产品,能增加可靠性,优化PCB尺寸和系统成本.设计用于控制可变速度的三相AC马达和永磁马达应用如低功率马达驱动(GPI,伺服驱动),泵,风扇驱动和HVAC(加热,通风和空调)的有源滤波器.器件具有良好热性能,电绝缘和EMI保存控制以及过载保护,特别适合用于功率应用.三相逆变器具有1200V TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT4和发射极控制二极管以及优化六路SOI栅极驱动器,因此具有极好电性能.器件具有过流关关断,内置了用于温度监测的NTC温度传感器.所有通路都有欠压锁住功能,防止交叉导通,保护时所有6个开关关断,可编故障清除定时和使能输入,RoHS兼容.主要用在风扇驱动和HVAC有源滤波器,泵和低功率马达驱动(GPI,伺服驱动).本文介绍了CIPOS™ Maxi IM818主要特性,框图,典型应用电路图以及评估板EVAL-M1-IM818-A主要特性和指标,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The CIPOS™ Maxi IM818 product group offers the chance for integrating various power and control components to increase reliability, optimize PCB size and system costs. It is designed to control three phase AC motors and permanent magnet motors in variable speed drives applications such as low power motor drives (GPI, Servo drives), pumps, fan drives and active filter for HVAC(Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning). The product concept is specially adapted to power applications, which need good thermal performance and electrical isolation as well as EMI save control and overload protection. ..