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[原创] Intel Stratix 10 GXFPGA和SX SoC开发方案

关键词:Stratix 10 GX FPGA ARM Cortex-A53 MCU 网络设备 医疗电子 军用雷达

时间:2019-01-02 10:43:49       作者:Intel       来源:中电网

Intel公司的Stratix 10 GXFPGA和SX SoC系列产品比前一代产品成本提供2X性能和高达70低功耗,具有几个开创性的创新如所有新型HyperFlex™和架构,能满足日益增长的带宽和处理性能,而满足功率预算.嵌入硬件系统基于四核64位ARM®Cortex®-A53,采用Intel 14-nm Tri-Gate (FinFET)技术和混合性3D片上系统(SiP)技术,单片核多达550万和逻辑单元,多达96个全双工收发器,数据速率高达28.3Gbps,主要用在计算和存储,网络设备,光传输网络,广播,军用雷达,医疗设备,测试和测量以及5G无线设备,ASIC原型.本文介绍了Intel Stratix 10 GXFPGA和SoC器件主要特性,架构框图以及Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA 开发板主要特性和详细电路图.

Intel’s 14-nm Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGAs and SX SoCs deliver 2X the coreperformance and up to 70% lower power over previous generation high-performanceFPGAs.Featuring several groundbreaking innovations, including the all new HyperFlex™ core architecture, this device family enables you to meet the demand for ever-increasing bandwidth and processing performance in your most advanced applications, while meeting your power budget.


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