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[原创] Linear LTC2992双路电源电压电流和功率监测解决方案

关键词:电源管理 电源监测 LTC2992

时间:2017-12-13 10:40:34       作者:Linear       来源:中电网


The LTCR2992 is a rail-to-rail system monitor that measurescurrent, voltage, and power of two supplies. Itfeatures an operating range of 2.7V to 100V and includesa shunt regulator for supplies above 100V. The voltagemeasurement range of 0V to 100V is independent of theinput supply. Two ADCs simultaneously measure eachsupply’s current. A third ADC monitors the input voltagesand four auxiliary external voltages. Each supply’s currentand power is added for total system consumption. Minimumand maximum values are stored and an overrangealert with programmable thresholds minimizes the needfor software polling. Data is reported via a standard I2Cinterface. Shutdown mode reduces current consumptionto 25μA typically.

The LTC2992 I2C interface includes separate data inputand output pins for use with standard or opto-isolated I2Cconnections. The LTC2992-1 has an inverted data outputfor use with inverting opto-isolator configurations.



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