时间:2016-12-08 09:37:04 作者:Microchip 来源:中电网
Microchip公司的USB5906是低功耗OEM可配置的六端口USB 3.1智能集线器控制器,支持单个USB Type-CTM UFP,具有嵌入USB应用的先进特性,支持5 Gbps Super-Speed (SS),480Mbps Hi-Speed (HS), 12 Mbps Full-Speed (FS)以及1.5 Mbps Low-Speed (LS) USB,主要用在USB集线器,PC主板,PC监视器坞站,笔记本电脑基座配件以及多功能USB 3.1Gen 1外设.本文介绍了USB5906亮点和优势,框图,评估板EVB-USB5807/6主要特性,框图,电路图和PCB设计图.
The Microchip USB5906 hub is a low-power, OEM configurable, USB 3.1 Gen 1 hub controller with 6 downstream portsand advanced features for embedded USB applications. The USB5906 is fully compliant with the Universal Serial BusRevision 3.1 Specification and USB 2.0 Link Power Management Addendum. The USB5906 supports 5 Gbps Super-Speed (SS), 480 Mbps Hi-Speed (HS), 12 Mbps Full-Speed (FS), and 1.5 Mbps Low-Speed (LS) USB downstreamdevices on all enabled downstream ports.