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[原创] Microchip MTCH6303和MGC3030 3D手势控制方案

关键词:触摸屏 3D手势 MTCH6303 MGC3030 3D

时间:2016-04-12 10:38:08       作者:Microchip       来源:中电网

Microchip公司的MTCH6303是容性触摸控制器,提供多触点座标和多指手势,具有现代用户接口(UI)元件如捏拉缩放,多指显示滚动和滑动屏幕.27RX x 19TX通路,支持8"触摸屏,和MGC3130一起可支持多达20cm的3D手势,主要用在工业,医疗,家庭和办公自动化和消费类电子市场的触摸屏.本文介绍了MTCH6303主要特性,框图,MTCH6303和MTCH652应用电路,以及WOODSTAR开发板主要特性和组成,电路图和材料清单.

Microchip’s MTCH6303 is an innovative turnkey projected capacitive touch controller that provides multi-touch coordinatesas well as a readymade multi-finger surface gesture suite. MTCH6303 brings modern user interface (UI) elements – such aspinch and zoom, multi-finger scrolling, and swipes–to any embedded design, with minimal host requirements.

The MTCH6303’s advanced signal processing provides noise-avoidance techniques and predictive tracking for tenfingers, typically at 100 Hz each for five touches. It also combines with Microchip’s MTCH652 High-voltage Line Driverto achieve a superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for outstanding touch performance in noisy environments. These capabilities are critical in demanding environments such as industrial controls,home and office automation with security control panels, thermostat, printers and lighting controls, and variousconsumer applications including exercise equipment and audio systems.



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