ST公司的STLUX385A是集成了多达6个可编程PWM发生器,96MHz PLL和数字可寻址照明接口(DALI),PWM分辨率为1.3ns,CPU频率为16MHz,总线频率为1.2, 2.4或4.8 kHz,器件具有多种架构和应用,包括驱动多个LED串的降压转换器,用于PFC的升压转换器,用于大功率可调光的半桥谐振转换器和用于HID灯镇流器的全桥控制器.本文介绍了STLUX385A主要特性,框图,以及100W街灯照明解决方案STEVAL-ILL066V1主要特性,框土,电路图和材料清单.
The STLUX™ family of controllers is a part of the STMicroelectronics®digital devices tailored for lighting and power conversion applications. The STLUX controllers have been successfully integrated in a wide range of architectures and applications, starting from simple buck converters for driving multiple LED strings, boost for power factor corrections, half-bridge resonant converters for high power dimmable LED strings and up to full bridge controllers for HID lamp ballasts.
Up to 6 programmable PWM generators (SMEDs-“State Machine Event Driven”)
10 ns event detection and reaction
Max.1.3 ns PWM resolution
Single, coupled and two coupled operational modes
Up to 3 internal/external events per SMED
DALI (digital addressable lighting interface)
Interrupt driven hardware encoder
Bus frequency: 1.2, 2.4 or 4.8 kHz..