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[原创] TI TPS92410 230V离线LED照明参考设计

关键词:LED照明 LED驱动器 TPS92410

时间:2014-10-27 11:20:40       作者:TI       来源:中电网

TI公司的TPS92410是能简化离线LED照明设计的450V线性控制器,具有良好的PFC,线性稳压和低THD性能,输入电压从9.5V到450V,和相位调光兼容,可编程过压保护,不需要电感,主要用在LED驱动器和LEC灯替代.本文介绍了TPS92410主要特性,框图, 简化应用电路图,120V和230V应用电路,以及TPS92410EVM-002评估模块主要特性和电指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

TI new 450-V linear controller simplifies offline LED lighting design

The TPS92410 is an advanced linear driver with high voltage start-up intended for use in low power, offline LED lighting applications. It can be used to regulate the average LED current through LEDs in conjunction with the TPS92411 direct drive switch.

The TPS92410 features a reference voltage that can be used to set the current level as well as the thermal foldback threshold. A multiplier is included to obtain excellent power factor while maintaining good line regulation. Other features include under-voltage lockout, over-voltage protection, forward phase dimmer detection with change to constant current mode, thermal foldback, and thermal shutdown.


Multiplier for Good PFC, Line Regulation, and Low THD
VIN Range From 9.5 V to 450 V
Compatible with Phase Dimmers
Analog Dimming Input with LED Turn-Off
Programmable Overvoltage Protection..


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