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On Semi AMIS-39101带保护大电流电源驱动解决方案

关键词:电源管理 DC/DC转换器 开关电源

时间:2014-06-09 10:29:03       作者:On Semi       来源:中电网

On Semi公司的AMIS-39101是带保护的8路大电流输出高边驱动器,每个驱动对可提供830mA连续电流,外接一个电容可形成电荷泵,主要用在工业应用如马达,继电器和LED阵列等.本文介绍了AMIS-39101主要特性,框图,典型应用电路以及评估板AMIS−3910XGEVB主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The AMIS-39101 is a robust high side driver featuring eight independent high current output drive channels along with a number of integrated fault protection circuits. This highly integrated product is designed for controlled delivery of power to a large variety of loads in industrial applications including motors, relays and LED arrays, among others. With all driver output channels in the conducting state, each channel can source up to 350 mA of continuous current (resistive load). In cases where all output drivers are not active, higher output current per channel can be achieved provided that the thermal limits of the device are not exceeded.


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