Maxim公司的MAXQ3180是专用的电测量前端(AFE),可以测量多相负载的多相电压,电流,功率,能量以及其它参数. MAXQ3180和三相/三线,三相/四线和其它三相服务兼容,能测量每相和三相组合的有用功率和能量(kWh), 每相和三相组合的无功功率和能量, 每相和三相组合的表观功率和能量,零线的电流测量.精密的片内基准电压2.048V,主要用在三相多功能电表.本文介绍了MAXQ3180主要特性,方框图, 典型应用电路图和采用MAXQ3180 AFE电表参考设计主要特性, 三相电表方框图和完整的电路图和材料清单.
The MAXQ3180 is a dedicated electricity measurement front-end that collects and calculates polyphase voltage, current, power, energy, and many other metering and power-quality parameters of a polyphase load. The computed results can be retrieved by an external master through the on-chip serial peripheral interface (SPI™) bus. This bus is also used by the external master to configure the operation of the MAXQ3180 and monitor the status of operations.
The MAXQ3180 performs voltage and current measurements using an integrated ADC that can measure up to seven external differential signal pairs. An eighth differential signal pair is used to measure the die temperature.
An internal amplifier automatically adjusts the current channel gain to compensate for low-current channel-signal levels.
♦ Compatible with 3-Phase/3-Wire, 3-Phase/4-Wire, and Other 3-Phase Services..