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austriamicrosystems AS1116 64 路LED驱动方案

关键词:austriamicrosystems AS1116 LED驱动器

时间:2009-07-15 14:10:00       来源:

austriamicrosystems 公司的AS1116是带误差检测的 64 路LED驱动器,能驱动64个LED或8位7段LED,器件还可通过10MHz SPI兼容的3线接口进行编程。AS1116具有LED开路或短路检测,全部或单个误差检测,可进行单位亮度控制。工作电压为2.7V到5.5V,关断电流仅为200nA. AS1116可用作公共信息显示屏的点阵显示或7段显示如地铁,火车或公交站,机场以及手机,个人电子设备和玩具等。本文介绍了AS1116的主要特性以及典型应用方框图和LED点阵显示驱动案例。

austriamicrosystems AS1116 64 LED Driver with Detailed Error Detection
The AS1116 is a compact LED driver for 64 single LEDs or 8 digits of 7-segments. The devices can be programmed via an SPI compatible 3-wire interface.
Every segment can be individually addressed and updated separately. Only one external resistor (RSET) is required to set the current. LED brightness can be controlled by analog or digital means.
The devices include an integrated BCD code-B/HEX decoder, multiplex scan circuitry, segment and display drivers, and a 64-bit memory. Internal memory stores the shift register settings, eliminating the need for continuous device reprogramming.
Additionally the AS1116 offers a diagnostic mode for easy and fast production testing and allows the use of the AS1116 for critical applications. The diagnostic allows to detect individual open or shorted LEDs...


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