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[原创] ADI LTM4700数字电源系统管理双通道50AμModule稳压器解决方案

关键词:电源管理 μModule 稳压器 LTM4700

时间:2019-05-15 10:30:23       来源:中电网

ADI公司的LTM4700是具有数字电源系统管理功能的双通道 50A 或单通道 100A µModule 稳压器,输入电压4.5V-16V,输出电压0.5V-18V,100A从输入12VIN到1VOUT满负载效率~90%,温度范围内最大DC输出误差±0.5%,25℃ 到125℃电流精度±3%,器件还集成输入电流检测放大器,400kHz PMBus兼容的I2C串行接口,主要用在系统优化,特怔和数据挖掘,原型,生产和现场环境,通信,数据和存储系统.本文介绍了LTM4700主要特性,框图和多种应用电路,以及演示电路DC2702A-A主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

The LTM®4700 is a dual 50A or single 100A step-downμModule® (power module) DC/DC regulator featuringremote configurability and telemetry-monitoring of powermanagement parameters over PMBus— an open standardI2C-based digital interface protocol. The LTM4700 iscomprised of fast analog control loops, precision mixedsignal circuitry, EEPROM, power MOSFETs, inductors andsupporting components. The LTM4700 product video isavailable on website.

The LTM4700’s 2-wire serial interface allows outputs tobe margined, tuned and ramped up and down at programmableslew rates with sequencing delay times. Input andoutput currents and voltages, output power, temperatures,uptime and peak values are readable. Custom configurationof the EEPROM contents is not required. At start-up,output voltages, switching frequency, and channel phaseangle as-signments can be set by pin-strapping resistors.


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