时间:2018-07-03 10:38:19 作者:On Semi 来源:中电网
On Semi公司的FAN65008B是高性能65V/10A电压模式同步PWM降压稳压器,集成了高边和低边功率MOSFET,支持电压从4.5V到65V,处理连续电流高达10A.器件还包括0.67%精度基准电压0.6V,开关频率从100kHz到1MHz可编程,高性能6 mm x 6 mm PQFN封装,主要用在高压POL模块,通信基站电源,网络计算,电池管理系统和USB-PD以及工业自动化,电动工具和 (赌具).本文介绍了FAN65008B主要特性,应用电路以及65V/10A电压模式PWM降压稳压器评估板FAN65008B-GEVB主要特性和指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
FAN65008B is a wide VIN highly efficient synchronous buckregulator, with integrated high side and low side power MOSFETs.The device incorporates a fixed frequency voltage mode PWMcontroller supporting a wide voltage range from 4.5 V to 65 V and can handle continuous currents up to 10 A.
FAN65008B includes a 0.67% accurate reference voltage to achievetight regulation. The switching frequency can be programmed from100 kHz to 1 MHz. To improve efficiency at light load condition, thedevice can be set to discontinuous conduction mode with pulse skipping operation.
FAN65008B has dual LDOs to minimize power loss and integratedcurrent sense circuit that provides cycle−by−cycle current limiting.