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[原创] ADI LTC6813-1多颗电池监测解决方案

关键词:电源管理 电池监测 混合动力汽车 电动汽车

时间:2018-06-14 11:35:22       作者:ADI       来源:中电网


The LTCR6813-1 is a multicell battery stack monitor thatmeasures up to 18 series connected battery cells witha total measurement error of less than 2.2mV. The cell measurement range of 0V to 5V makes the LTC6813-1suitable for most battery chemistries. All 18 cells can bemeasured in 290μs, and lower data acquisition rates canbe selected for high noise reduction.

Multiple LTC6813-1 devices can be connected in series,permitting simultaneous cell monitoring of long, highvoltage battery strings. Each LTC6813-1 has an isoSPIinterface for high speed, RF immune, long distance communications.Multiple devices are connected in a daisychain with one host processor connection for all devices.

This daisy chain can be operated bidirectionally, ensuringcommunication integrity, even in the event of a fault alongthe communication path.


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