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[原创] Fairchild FEBFMT1030 3D运动跟踪解决方案

关键词:MEMS 运动跟踪 3D运动 工业自动化 机器人

时间:2016-02-25 10:45:56       作者:Fairchild       来源:中电网

On Semi公司的FEBFMT1000系列是完整的工业级运动跟踪模块,直接输出3D取向,3D转速,3D加速度和3D磁场.输出可配置数据类型,输出格式,输出的数据速率和通信协议,从而降低了主处理器的负荷.主要用在轻工业和机器人,农业和重型机器,图像稳定和平台稳定,无人驾驶飞机,行人推算,卫星导航(GNSS)增强技术和位置坐标推算.本文介绍了FEBFMT1000系列主要特性和优势,模块框图和应用框图,以及FEBFMT1030_MEMS01评估板主要特性和电路图.

The FMT1000-series is a product group of turn-key industrial grade Motion Tracker modules intended for integration of motion intelligence on unmanned systems, heavy industry, machine automation and agriculture.

With output of 3D orientation, 3D rate of turn, 3D accelerations, and 3D magnetic field directly from the module, the FMT1000-series can be integrated with minimal hardware and software development. The output is configurable in terms of data selection, output format, output data rate and communication protocol, reducing the load on the host processor.

The high data rates of up to 1 kHz and orientation accuracy of 3.0º RMS makes it an excellent choice for applications in control and stabilization,and navigation e.g. unmanned vehicles.

Calibration and testing has already been performed on each individual unit ensuring high quality of the product delivered and its performance.


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