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Microchip MCP3914 3V八路模拟前端(AFE)解决方案

关键词:工业控制 仪器仪表 测试测量 多相电表

时间:2014-03-27 10:30:55       作者:Microchip       来源:中电网

Microchip公司的MCP3914是3V八路模拟前端(AFE),包括8个同步取样的Delta-Sigma模数转换器(ADC),8个PGA,相位延迟补偿区块,低漂移基准电压,数字失调和增益误差校准寄存器以及高速20MHz SPI兼容的串口,主要用在多相电表,电表和能量管理,汽车,手持仪表,医疗和电源监视,音频/视频识别.本文介绍了MCP3914主要特性,功能框图,以及MCP3914 ADC评估板主要特性, PIM模块和MCP3914数字连接图,电路图,材料清单和PCB与元件布局图.

The MCP3914 is a 3V eight-channel Analog Front End (AFE), containing eight synchronous sampling delta-sigma, Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC), eight PGAs, phase delay compensation block, low-drift internal voltage reference, digital offset and gain error calibration registers, and high-speed 20 MHz SPI compatible serial interface.

The MCP3914 ADCs are fully configurable, with features such as: 16/24-bit resolution, Oversampling Ratio (OSR) from 32 to 4096, gain from 1x to 32x, independent Shutdown and Reset, dithering and autozeroing.

The communication is largely simplified with 8-bit commands, including various continuous read/write modes and 16/24/32-bit data formats that can be accessed by the Direct Memory Access (DMA) of an 8/16- or 32-bit MCU, and with the separate data ready pin that can directly be connected to an Interrupt Request (IRQ) input of an MCU.


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