TI 公司的bq27510是系统侧锂离子电池电量测量和管理器件,采用专利的阻抗跟踪算法进行电池电量测量,提供电池的各种信息如电池剩余容量(mAh),充电状态(%),电池用完时间(分),电池电压(mV)以及温度等. bq27510可用于智能手机,PDA,数码相机和摄像鸡,手持终端,MP3或多媒体播放器.本文介绍了bq27510的主要特性, 典型应用和应用参考电路以及bq27510评估模块(EVM)的主要特性,电路图,和手机与系统负载/充电器连接框图与材料清单.
The Texas Instruments bq27510 system-side Li-Ion battery fuel gauge is a microcontroller peripheral that provides fuel gauging for single-cell Li-Ion battery packs. The device requires little system microcontroller firmware development. The bq27510 resides on the systems main board and manages an embedded battery (non-removable) or a removable battery pack.
The bq27510 uses the patented Impedance Track algorithm for fuel gauging, and provides information such as remaining battery capacity (mAh), state-of-charge (%), run-time to empty (min.), battery voltage (mV), and temperature (°C).
Battery fuel gauging with the bq27510 requires only PACK+ (P+), PACK- (P-), and Thermistor (T) connections to a removable battery pack or embedded battery.
Battery Fuel Gauge for 1-Series Li-Ion Applications
Resides on System Main Board
Works with Embedded or Removable Battery Packs

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