Maxim 公司的MAX9694提供了四个静态基准电压和用于TFT-LCD灰度修正的14个可编程的基准电压,还具有用于TFT-LCD VCOM校准的7位数字可变电阻(VCR) 灰度和DVR数值通过I2C接口可编程进寄存器.本文主要介绍了MAX9694的主要特性和MAX9694评估板的主要特性,详细电路图和所用元件清单.
The MAX9694 provides four static voltage references and 14 programmable voltage references for gamma correction in TFT LCDs. The MAX9694 also features a 7-bit digital variable resistor (DVR) for VCOM calibration in TFT LCDs. Gamma and DVR values are programmed into the registers through an I²C interface.
The 14 programmable reference voltages are divided evenly into seven upper and seven lower voltages for the upper and lower gamma curves of LCD column drivers. Each channel has a static 8-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and an isolation buffer to ensure stable reference voltages. This architecture reduces the effects of power-supply noise and kickback current from the source driver chips. Each buffer provides a high peak current to reduce the recovery time of the output voltages when critical levels and patterns are displayed.

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