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[原创] PowerInt BridgeSwitchBRD1165C300 W三相逆变器参考设计DER-653

关键词:电源管理 三相逆变器 家用电器

时间:2018-12-14 11:33:56       作者:PowerInt       来源:中电网

PowerInt公司的BridgeSwitch™系列是集成了设备保护和系统监测的高压自供电的半桥马达驱动器,大大地简化高压逆变器2/3相PM或BLDC马达驱动的开发和生产.全集成半桥级的效率高达98%,额定连续编RMS电流时不需要外接散热器.器件集成了600V N沟功率FREDFET和超软快恢复二极管,提供内部故障保护功能和外部系统级监测,主要用在2相或三相高压PM和BLDC马达驱动,高达300W逆变器输出功率,包括洗碗机和冰箱在内的家用电器,高效空调中的冷凝器风扇.本文介绍了本文介绍了BridgeSwitch™系列产品亮点,功能框图,应用电路以及采用BridgeSwitchBRD1165C的300 W三相逆变器参考设计DER-653主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.

The BridgeSwitch™ family of integrated half-bridges dramaticallysimplifies the development and production of high-voltage inverterdriven 2- or 3-phase PM or BLDC motor drives. It incorporates twohigh-voltage N-channel power FREDFETs with low and high-side driversin a single small-outline package. The internal power FREDFETs offer ultra-soft and ultrafast diodes ideally suited for hard switched inverterdrives. Both drivers are self-supplied eliminating the need for anexternal auxiliary power supply. BridgeSwitch provides a uniqueinstantaneous phase current output signal simplifying implementation ofsensor-less control schemes. The low-profile, compact footprint surfacemount package offers extended creepage distances and allows heatsinking of both power FREDFETs through the printed circuit board.


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