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[原创] ST STUSB4500 USB供电(PD)控制器解决方案

关键词:USB Type-C 电源管理 物联网(IoT) 无人机 LED照明 健康和手持设备

时间:2018-08-30 11:29:37       作者:ST        来源:中电网

ST公司的STUSB4500是单独可用的USB Type-C™供电(PD)控制器,能实现专用算法,允许不用MCU支持进行供电和电源的协调(自动运行模式),可以在两个USB Type-C端口间进行检测,容易在源和沉建立有效连接,能确定所接触器件是源还是调试附件,能解决电缆取向和双绞线连接到USB数据路由选择(MUX控制).主要用在机顶盒,硬盘驱动,摄像机和照相机,物联网(IoT),无人机,电池供电的设备,LED照明,以及健康和手持设备.本文介绍了STUSB4500主要特性,功能框图,应用电路图以及评估板STEVAL-ISC005V1主要特性,功能框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The STUSB4500 is a USB power delivery controller that addresses sink devices. It implements a proprietary algorithm to allow the negotiation of a power delivery contract with a source without MCU support (auto-run mode). PDO profiles are configured in an integrated non-volatile memory.

The device supports dead battery mode and is suited for sink devices powered from dead battery state and requiring high power charging profile to be fully operational.

Thanks to its 20 V technology, it implements high voltage features to protect the CC pins against short-circuits to VBUS up to 22 V and to support high voltage on the VBUS pins directly connected to the VBUS power path up to 28 V.


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