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[原创]ADI ADuM4223 5KVrms绝缘4A输出半桥驱动器解决方案

关键词:电源管理 开关电源 逆变器

时间:2012-09-21 10:53:22       作者:ADI       来源:ADuM4223


The ADuM3223/ADuM4223 provides 3000 V rms isolation in the narrow body, 16-lead SOIC package, and the ADuM4223 provides 5000 V rms isolation in the wide body, 16-lead SOIC package. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic transformer technology, these isolation components provide outstanding performance characteristics superior to the alternatives, such as the combination of pulse transformers and gate drivers. 1 are 4 A isolated, half-bridge gate drivers that employ the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology to provide independent and isolated high-side and low-side outputs. 


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