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Microchip PIC18F87K22极低功耗8位MCU开发方案

关键词:消费类电子 触摸屏 温度测量

时间:2012-03-01 14:37:25       作者:Microchip       来源:PIC18F87K22

Microchip公司的PIC18F87K22系列是采用极低功耗(nanoWatt XLP)技术的高性能MCU,集成了1Mb增强性闪存和24路12位ADC,具有高达16MIPS性能,8x8单周期硬件乘法器,工作频率高达64MHz,工作电压1.8V-5.5V,有10个CCP/ECCP模块,11个8/16位定时器/计数器模块,两个主同步串口模块,特别适用于功率有严格要求和以电池为能源的应用.本文介绍了PIC18F87K22低功耗特性,MCU特性以及外设特性, 方框图以及XLP 8位开发板主要特性,主要元件及分布图以及电路图.

PIC18F87K22 Family 64/80-Pin, High-Performance, 1-Mbit Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with 12-Bit A/D and nanoWatt XLP Technology

This document contains device-specific information for the following devices:

This family combines the traditional advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers – namely, high computational performance and a rich feature set – with an extremely competitive price point. These features make the PIC18F87K22 family a logical choice for many high-performance applications where price is a primary consideration.


• Power-Managed modes:
- Run: CPU on, peripherals on
- Idle: CPU off, peripherals on
- Sleep: CPU off, peripherals off
• Two-Speed Oscillator Start-up
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
• Power-Saving Peripheral Module Disable (PMD)
• Ultra Low-Power Wake-up
• Fast Wake-up, 1 us Typical..


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