The SC446 is a high-efficiency multiple string WLED driver with an integrated boost converter. It operates over a wide input range from 4.5V to 27V with a maximum out- put voltage of 36V and a 2.5A internal power switch. It can drive up to thirty WLEDs in 3 strings with current up to 100mA per string. The string-to-string current matching is 2% typical, 3% maximum. The overall efficiency is greater than 90% due to the low current sense voltage and a low-impedance internal power switch. The wide PWM dimming range boasts a ratio of 500: 1.
The 700kHz switching frequency enables the user to optimize the external component sizes for efficiency. When there are fewer than 10 LEDs in each string, users can ad-just the output voltage protection yielding an allowable
reduction in associated costs, size and voltage ratings of the output capacitor.
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