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[原创]ADI ADG5421F双路单刀单掷(SPST)低阻开关解决方案

关键词:工业控制 过程控制 数据采集 ATE 通信系统 SPST ADI ADG5421F

时间:2020-11-10 12:28:22       来源:中电网

ADI公司的ADG5421F是双路单刀单掷(SPST)低电阻开关,具有过压保护,关电保护和过压检测.当没有电源的时候,开关保持断开态,而开关输入是高阻抗状态.加电后,如果Sx引脚的模拟输入信号电平超过VDD或VSS一个阈值VT,两个开关同时关断,而开漏极故障标识(FF)引脚下拉到逻辑低电平.输入信号电平对地高达+60V或-60V在加电或没电条件下会受到阻隔. ADG5421F工作在双电源 ±5 V 到高达±22 V或单电源+8 V到高达+44 V.典型开态电阻变化超平坦,为11 Ω.主要用在模拟输入和输出模块,过程控制和分布控制系统,数据采集,仪表和航空航天电子设备,自动测试仪表(ATE),通信系统,继电器替代.本文介绍了ADG5421F产品亮点和主要特性,功能框图以及评估板EVAL-ADG5421FEBZ主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.


 The ADG5421F is a dual SPST, low on resistance switch that features overvoltage protection, power-off protection, and overvoltage detection on the source pins.

When no power supplies are present, the switch remains in the off condition, and the switch inputs are high impedance. When powered, if the analog input signal levels on either of the Sx pins exceed VDD or VSS by the threshold voltage, VT, both switches turn off together, and the open-drain fault flag (FF) pin pulls to a logic low. Input signal levels up to +60 V or −60 V relative to ground are blocked in both the powered and unpowered condition.



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