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[原创]ADI LTC4238大功率热插拔控制器解决方案

关键词:电源管理 热插拔 ADI LTC4238

时间:2020-08-26 10:03:50       来源:中电网

ADI公司的LTC4238是高压大电流热插拔控制器,能允许板能在带电底板上安全插入和拔出.双12V栅极驱动器很适合于大功率应用,安全工作在并行MOSFET或支持2级起动,以改变负载电容,接着增加低开态电阻通路到负载中.器件工作电压范围宽,从6.5V到80V,驱动两个栅极以便大功率应用.可配置并行,起动或单个MOSFET模式,可调精密电流设限,从6mV到20mV, 折返电流限制MOSFET功率,SOA计时器优化了MOSFET功能.监测VGS和VDS以保证MOSFET安全,12V栅极驱动可用于更低的MOSFET RDS(ON),并行控制器可用于非常高电流水平,24引脚窄体SSOP封装和24引脚4x5mm QFN封装.主要用在12V,24V和48V系统的带电板插入,工业高边开关/电路中断器,计算机和服务器以及电动汽车系统.本文介绍了LTC4238主要特性,框图和多种应用电路,以及演示板DC2914A主要指标,电路图和演示板DC2914A应用图.


The LTCR4238 is a high voltage high current Hot Swap controller that allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Dual 12V gate drive is well suited for high power applications to either share safe operating area across parallel MOSFETs or support a 2-stage start-up that first charges the load capacitance followed by enabling a low on-resistance path to the load.

The device features active current limiting (ACL) with two foldback options as VDS increases. The constant power profile limits the power dissipation to be no higher than a fixed value, while the high power profile allows the part to ride through large input steps during operation.



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